Praise for the Stretch Routine

“Hi Marianne – just wanted to say how useful that stretching routine was that you put on your site. I’ve been doing it and have found I can walk further as a result, because I’m more relaxed. I feel it improves my circulation and nervous system, as after it I feel a bit like I do when I’ve been to the chiropractor (only chiro bigger effect, naturally). So thank you very much!

Not everyone finds chiropractic treatments to be beneficial, especially ME/CFS people. That is a matter for the individual to decide. It is the same with massage, massage can be exhausting for the sufferer, although beneficial some time later. My experiences are as a remedial massage and exercise/stretch practitioner that it is the stretches that are immediately the most beneficial for ME/CFS. My stretches at my remedial massage clinic are designed for the individual and the emphasis is on ‘gentle’.

I do the stretches every day although not the whole programme. My neck, especially, I stretch and my spine.

Look at the Stretch Routine, I am confident it will help.

One thought on “Praise for the Stretch Routine

  1. Pingback: A stretch routine for those suffering with M.E, CFS or fatigue of any kind

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